Bees are integral to life on planet Earth. They are necessary for pollination, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, and, of course, HONEY!
Did you know there are 20,000 known bee species worldwide and more than 800 native bee species in Canada? Each species specializes in pollinating different plants at different times, demonstrating on a bee-sized scale the complex, interconnected synchronization that sustains all life on our planet.
Honeybees all fall under the genus Apis, which has about 44 known subspecies, and are the honey makers of the world.
Honeybee facts:
- In early spring, a colony of honeybees may have approximately 10,000-15,000 bees; by summer the population grows to 50,000-80,000 bees
- There are 3 types of bees in a hive: queen, worker, drone. Only the queen lays eggs – approximately 175,000-200,000 eggs per year
- A honeybee can fly at speeds of 24km/hr; its wings beat 200 times/second or 12,000 beats/minute
- It takes one colony of honeybees to pollinate an acre of fruit trees
We use 100% BC Honey to lightly sweeten our Honey Cream Top yogurt. We are committed to building a sustainable future for our children and for generations to come, which means taking care to ensure we use ingredients and follow best practices that support and contribute to healthy ecosystems, biodiversity and environmental conservation.

How to help bees:
Bee populations are in danger due to habitat destruction, intensive agriculture practices, pesticide and herbicide use, and disease. We do our best to tread lightly on the earth and support our fellow creatures at home and at work. Here are a few ideas to help bees and other important pollinators:
- Less Lawn Mowing -leave nectar-producing dandelions, daisies and clover available for bees, especially in early spring and late fall when sources are scarce.
- Create New Bee Habitat – including native plants with diverse bloom times in gardens and landscaping plans.
- Don’t Spray – no pesticides or herbicides on lawns and gardens.